I had a plan today to launch the Etsy site! I was going to load pictures of all this artwork and write up descriptions and price everything. Owning your own business, that's the American dream right? I didn't fulfill that today. I obsessed about another American dream--home ownership! I was researching my Grandmother's bathroom renovation. We were taking measurements and estimating costs for all of our materials. I then started thinking about my dreams and my book-spiration for the day. Being an American is about freedom. We have the freedom to make choices in our lives. We can choose to work for ourselves or someone else. We can build a home or rent or home and we can be as traditional or unconventional as we want to. We can pray to whatever God we want to and I know that I pray to mine every chance I get and nobody is ever going to stop me from doing that! We have every culture scattered all about this country and we have the opportunity to learn about one another if we just take the time. We are leaders of the free world and were the first to make dramatic changes for civil rights, women and gays. We live in a great country and I think sometimes we take that for granted.. I didn't really mean to make some kind of political statement, but this is just the path that my brain wandered down. Something to think about.WHAT I DID ACCOMPLISH TODAY:
I put together a little information and estimate sheet for Gran's bathroom redo complete with pictures. She's not planning to do anything for a few more months, but she has problems with her knees and her hip and it's just so difficult for her to keep stepping over the tub to get into the shower. We need to get her one that she can just walk in and that has a little bench.I did laundry all by myself today. I had Mom help me last time. She carried the basket for me, but I did it all on my own today. That was part of my exercise.
Plus I decided to give Cancer a little kick in the butt while I went to put something in my car:
I started and finished an art journal today
I had an epic fail on Mom's natural hair. I didn't like how it turned out and neither did she, so she took it all out and just fluffed it back into a basic little fro. Which is fine.
I realized that it's really easy to get bored...it's Friday night and I actually feel normal and good, but it's like bed time. My mom went home hours ago and my grandmother has been in bed for the last hour too. I'm chilling though. I guess I should start uploading my Etsy shop! We shall see!
Keep it simple day. I just brushed on some powder, a little blush and then I defined my brows. I had on some chap stick and that was it. Threw on my glasses since I didn't really do any eye make up. |
Freedom! To look like you wanna look--self expression--use fashion make-up to tell your story, be a cutie!
I didn't finish breathing space yet, but I just had such a fun idea for today's book-spiration, that I had to run with that and work on making that oneThe book-spiration for today came from another Joel Osteen book:
Dare to unpack your dreams! Visualize your dreams over and over and have faith in God to bring them to fruition. I found that so inspiring considering that I had a travelling job and never got to unpack fully and completely. I was always unpacking to just pack back up again in a couple of weeks. I never really had the time to pursue things that I really found interesting or enjoyable and now I do--Now I can truly unpack those dreams and let the sky be the limit! It was really funny because I had some scrapbook paper that actually looks like my real suitcase. I made a mini version of the suitcase and filled it with the things I see coming for me in 2013. Take a gander:
I just want to leave you with the same sentiment as my art journal. Dream big--unpack your dreams--see yourself living in God's favor. I mean what's the worst thing that could happen, you don't get what you want?At least you tried! At least you dared to dream! I just want every one who reads this to get something positive from it. I want you to feel good after reading this! Because I'm feeling great and I know that God is good and will send beautiful things into our lives if we're willing to trust him and keep the faith. We sometimes have to change our view of things too. I hope everyone is well and I'm gonna leave you with tonight's bible verse.
ISAIAH 43:19
For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness.I will create rivers in the dry wasteland!![]() |
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