Sunday, February 24, 2013



Today was a super day despite the fact that I did not sleep well last night. I woke up at 4 am with pain in my knees that shot down through my shins so I had to pop some pain meds and try to get back to sleep. I slept in and decided not to go to church with Gran today. I'm gonna make it eventually! I really am!

I decided to clip my nails and was going to paint them--it's 8:30 and I still have the polish sitting on the table waiting on me!

I bathed and dressed--but nothing fancy today--keeping it chill.

I got down in the kitchen. I cooked Sunday Supper.

-Baked BBQ chicken legs and tenderloins
-Baked Mac N Cheese
-Green beans
-Jiffy Corn muffins

Dinner is served! It's one of my favorite Sunday dinners!

I was still tired from last night's pain ordeal and Mom and Gran suggested that I may have over exerted myself yesterday. I drove from Fairmont to Morgantown and from one end of Morgantown to the next. We walked around Gabes, Ashley Furniture and then we went to Aldi's before I drove us home. Gran said that we looked wiped out. So that may have been why my knees started hurting.
--I have an appointment for my bone scan this week anyway, so we will delve deeper into that issue soon!
Since I was still tired, I decided to take a nice long nap.


Poised for flight

Spread your wings

SUPER WV TINA!!! I slept for about an hour or so and woke up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the art table! Super duper art time is coming up!



 I'm still working on this particular art journal, but I've added a lot to it today... check it out

I added some little rhinestones to the front snowflakes for some bling-bling!

I wrote about mediating and how to do it and what I want to focus on while meditating.

Love is everything! Imagine yourself at the top of the mountain in God's Favor, Let positive energy flow thru you,  Laugh at yourself  life is supposed to be fun!

So the center is still to be filled with inspiration and art --what is to come?


No frills today. Just a pair of dark jeans a yellow tank top, a gray WVU long sleeve shirt over it and a gray knit hat.

I am seriously no frills today. No make up and no wig and no contacts. It's just me! Oh my! It's okay to just be bare and free sometimes. It's Sunday and I wasn't going anywhere today, plus I was cooking and doing some art today too. 



I feel pretty good. I been putting a lot of focus on writing and staying engrossed in scripture. It's very comforting and I'm embracing that more and more as I journey along. I trust that it's the right thing for me. I am just going with where His voice guides me. My book-spritation for today was Get up on the Inside from one of Joel Osteen's books. It's again about finding strength through adversity. Sometimes you get down and you just can't help it, but you need to stay up on the inside and have a victor's attitude. You need to adopt an attitude of Faith! Keep getting up in your heart mind and will! Staying positive is so important! That's where you always have to direct your focus. Always put your focus on the best part of things because that's the only part that truly matters. Remember Get UP on the inside! Carry that positive attitude in your heart!!!!!!


For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.


Tina Bina

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