When I woke up Monday morning we had about 3 inches of heavy wet snow blanketing everything and it was apparently heavy enough to snap a power line or cause a tree to fall and snap the power line. So we didn't have power until late that evening and I hadn't felt too great that day. I stayed under the covers on the couch all day and figured I'd fill you guys in on Tuesday.So Tuesday rolls around and I feel crappy again. More laying on the couch under the blanket and watching TV. It took me half the day to bathe and I didn't feel like putting on anything worthy enough to be a part of the Cancer Cutie Outfit of the day. So we took no pictures and I fell asleep early. We had a follow up at the doctor the next day.
Wednesday came and I was all ready to have a good day. We were going to the store after I left the doctor and I could finish getting my little Easter gifts. Well the day didn't turn out the way I thought it would. I took my medicine and I just wasn't feeling like food was a good idea, so I decided I would drink an Ensure high protein drink. Everything was fine until my stomach started churning. The Ensure didn't want to stay down so I let it come back up. Uuugh! I was going to have to go to the doctor anyway, so I took a moment and got showered and dressed. We were of course at the hospital a long time. I had my lab work done and my port actually worked without too much hassle. Then we sat and waited to meet with Dr. Monga. I explained that this last chemo session had taken a toll on me and he said to take it easy--drink lots of fluids and keep taking my nausea medicine. He said that my lungs sound really good and that after this next chemo session, we're going to take a scan so that we can see what are progress is and how we will continue with treatment from there. Hopefully I've been feeling all crappy because it's working and maybe it will be all gone by this next session! Positive thinking!!!! Speak your reality into existence!
So here we are at Thursday!I started my day off with a concerned phone call from Gerald on the landline and I figured I better update the blog and charge my cell phone. Sorry if you've been trying to reach me! I have been able to eat today and no real nausea issues--taking the medication 3 times a day so that's helping. But the strangest thing did happen--my hands started itching and I assumed that they were dry and needed some lotion. So I put on some lotion and they kept itching. In fact it got more intense and it wouldn't stop. I think scrambled to find some hydrocortisone--I have eczema so I always have some around. That made it worse and my hands were burning and I started freaking out. My grandmother said to wash the lotion off and called my Mom. I was able to rinse my hands with cold water to ease the burning sensation and then my Grandma gave me and ice pack to put on my hands. It helped to soothe the burning and Mom wanted to know if I wanted to call the nurses number or go to the hospital. I just let it run it's course. The ice pack helped. I showered and got dressed and took a quick nap. I even ate a taco for lunch. My hands are a little itchy, but nothing like what was going on this morning--Thank God!
So I figured that I had better give everyone an update since I've been MIA. I hope everyone is doing well and that everyone has great plans for their Easter weekend. Hopefully you will get to hear all about mine this weekend because I'm going to be feeling great! I'm speaking it into existence. My niece should be here tomorrow, so I have to be feeling good to keep up with her!
JUDE 1:24-25
Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God our Savoir, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.![]() |