So Thursday came and it was pretty uneventful. To the point where I couldn't remember what I had done all day. I just asked Mom and Gran and they couldn't remember at first either. We pieced it together though!Mom was doing yard work most of the day and Gran was baking cakes and pies. I laid around watching TV and then later that evening we went to get some gas for Mom's truck and we went to Walmart for a few grocery items that Gran needed. We would have left earlier, but we were waiting on my prescriptions to be ready and of course they didn't call until after we got home.
So Friday came and I knew I would have to pick up my prescription and possibly meet up with my friend Nicole, but we decided to get together on Monday instead. She's in town for a week to visit her family and is going stop through Morgantown on her way back from Maryland to PA. Someone my own age!!! Love Mom and Gran but it would be nice to hang with some of my peers. So I did a cancer cutie outfit finally! Complete with wig and makeup! Then me and Mom headed to WalMart for my medicine and of course they only had one ready and said they had to order the other one. They said that they expected it to be in today and of course it didn't come in! Maybe tomorrow. While we were there, we picked up some stuff to make dinner for Sunday. I decided on chicken and broccoli alfredo with garlic toast. We will see how it turns out. I haven't made it in a while.
So Saturday is here! I laid around till late as usual. When I decided to venture out the house, Mom and Gran were engrossed in cleaning up the porch and rearranging the furniture. I was looking at the walls and thought that they could use some more paint, so as we began discussing painting and rearranging things, a project emerged! We're going to paint all the walls on the porch white. We're going to patch the cracks in the concrete floor and then paint it a gray color. I'm going to give some of our shelving a fresh look with a coat of green spray paint. I'll have to take some before and after pictures and show you the difference once it's done. So we took a trip to Lowe's and picked up the supplies we-roller and paint tray paints and patching material. When we got back I was ready to get started, but decided it was a little too late in the day and I just moved things off the walls so that I won't have to worry about it tomorrow. (Gran has an extensive collection of wind chimes that hang on the porch.)
So tomorrow I will be a painting machine!--Plus I guess I have to take some time out of that to cook dinner!
Busy busy day coming up!
I'm happy! I'm feeling great! I literally feel good. I've got energy and I'm eating much better too. Sometimes you just have to take it day by day. I feel like if you just trust and believe that everything is going to be okay, then eventually it will be. Faith--you have to have it. So when things seem awful keep, telling yourself that everything is going to be okay. Keep saying it even when you don't believe it, Everything keeps showing up that points to everything staying awful, but you keep the faith and keep telling yourself that it's going to turn around. Don't dwell on it. Distract yourself with something and just keep believing that everything is going to work out. It eventually will. God works on his own time. We just have to develop the kind of Faith that involves infinite patience. We need to trust that we are loved and God wants nothing but the best for us and will bring us to whatever it is that we truly need. So what have you been worrying about? Stop give it to God and trust that he's going to handle the situation so that you get the best outcome. Trust Him. Keep Faith! Hope your happy shows up soon.JEREMIAH 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.![]() |